In case you spent the last few weeks under a rock, here is what you need to know: the Coronavirus is worldwide, very transmittable, and potentially deadly to people who are either getting up there in age or immunocompromised.
In short, it’s a serious situation.
This has lead to many countries – those making up North America included – mandating a quarantine.
People are supposed to stay inside and many public events are shut down for the foreseeable future.
Toilet paper is basically the new gold, for no reasonable reason.
As funny as parts of it may seem, the Coronavirus is no joke.
If you are a 25-year-old in perfect health, the odds of it doing any damage to you is minimal. But if you are a carrier, then you can pass it along to people who could be seriously affected by it.
So social distancing is a must. Social distancing means you stay away from people as much as possible.
No large gatherings or gigantic group hugs. Closed gyms and schools.
That means potentially your CrossFit box will temporarily close.
As much as it sucks, CrossFit boxes are fertile breeding grounds for the virus.
A bunch of people sweating and breathing hard all over each other. Equipment and weights touched by hundreds of hands over the day.
We hate to say this, but if your CrossFit box is not shut down yet, it more than likely will be.
Does That Mean We Can’t Do CrossFit Anymore?
Not exactly.
The beauty of CrossFit is that it is infinitely variable. Don’t have a barbell? CrossFit can work with that.
Don’t have a big enough space to do ball throws?
CrossFit has you covered.
Don’t have anything other than your body and random household items?
You’re in luck. CrossFit is the MacGyver of workouts.
What Can We Do?
Combine CrossFit and social distancing. Now is the time to get creative.
Either look up CrossFit workouts that only require what you have on hand, or make your own up.
What is important right now is that you stay physically active. Being quarantined can make you feel a bit like Jack Torrance from The Shining, and being active and healthy will help you feel better.
So no matter where you are or what you have – even if that is only a few household items and your living room – keep up the CrossFit.
Below is a collection of exercises to get you started on your workouts.
Exercises For Each Bodypart To CrossFit With The Coronavirus
Romanian Deadlift
Stand up straight with feet shoulder-width apart. Hinge at the hips, making sure to leave your legs nearly straight. Slowly hinge as far as you can and make sure you feel the pull in your hamstrings. Once you cannot go any further, straighten back up by clenching your butt, squeezing at the top.
3 sets of 12-15 reps at a slow rate down, fast rate up. If doing it for time, go for between 30-45 seconds.
MacGyver it:Â Have empty paint cans or milk jugs lying around? Fill them with something to add some weight to your workout. Hold these in your hands like you would dumbbells while doing the motion.
Sliding Leg Curls
Wear socks on a slippery surface. Lie on your back with your legs in front of you. Pull your feet towards you, bending only at the knees and raising your back of the floor so that you end in a glute bridge. Contract the legs quickly, then straighten them slowly to get the best workout.
2-3 sets of 8-12 reps at a slow contraction, fast elongation. If doing the exercise for time, go for between 30-45 seconds.
MacGyver It:Â Use ankle weights to add weight to the exercise.
Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Squat through the knees and make sure the arch of your back is maintained. Squat until you cannot squat any lower then raise back up. Squeeze the butt at the top.
2-3 sets of 10-12 reps. If doing the exercise for time, go for between 30-45 seconds.
MacGyver It:Â Have empty paint cans or milk jugs lying around? Fill them with something to add some weight to your workout. Hold these in your hands like you would dumbbells while doing the motion.
Reverse Lunge
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lift one foot and push it back behind you into a full split squat. Keep most of your weight on the front leg. Step back into the starting position, then repeat with the opposite leg. Both legs count as one repetition.
2-3 sets of 8-12 reps per leg.These should be done at a quick but controlled pace. If done for time, go for 30-45 seconds.
MacGyver It:Â Have empty paint cans or milk jugs lying around? Fill them with something to add some weight to your workout. Hold these in your hands like you would dumbbells while doing the motion.
Shoulder Press
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Stand on an exercise band and hold each end in your hands. Press upwards as you would in a regular shoulder press. Lower slowly and repeat.
2-3 sets of 8-12 reps. Push upwards quickly and slowly lower to starting position. If done for time, go for 30-45 seconds.
MacGyver It:Â If you do not have a band, use something heavy to press overhead. A few 2-4s, paint cans, or milk jugs should do the trick.
Bicep Curls
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and arms down by your sides. Bend your arm at the elbow until your bicep is fully contracted. Slowly lower it back to the starting position.
2-3 sets of 8-12 reps. contract quickly and slowly lower to starting position. If done for time, go for 30-45 seconds.
MacGyver It:Â Use either a workout band that you step on or a milk jug to add weight to the exercise.
Chair Dips
Sit on the floor in front of your chair. Placing your hands on the seat of the chair, push up until your arms are fully extended. Slowly lower yourself until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle, then repeat.
2-3 sets of 8-10 reps. Push upwards quickly and slowly lower to starting position. If done for time, go for 30 seconds.
MacGyver It:Â If you find the chair dips too easy, try and place something heavy on your lap to increase the amount of weight you are lifting.
Lie face down on the floor. Place your hands at shoulder height, slightly wider apart than your chest. Push upwards until your elbows are fully extended. Slowly lower back down until your elbows are 90 degrees. Repeat.
2-3 sets of 10-15 reps. Push upwards quickly and slowly lower to starting position. If done for time, go for 30-45 seconds.
MacGyver It:Â If you find the exercise too hard, start from your knees or do pushups with your feet on the floor and your arms on a table. If you find the exercise too easy, add a milk jug filled with water onto your back for added weight.
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Drop into a pushup position. Do a pushup. Pull your feet up to your body and jump up into a standing position. Jump in the air and raise your hands above your head. Repeat.
2-3 sets of 10-15 reps. Push upwards quickly and slowly lower to starting position. If done for time, go for 45 seconds.
MacGyver It:Â If you find the exercise too easy, try to finish more reps at a faster pace. This exercise is great cardio as well as weight training.
To learn how to do burpees and the variations on the exercise, click here:Â
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart below a pullup bar (or solid wooden or metal beam). Place your hands slightly further apart than your shoulders on the bar. Pull up by contracting your lats and biceps. Slowly lower back into a starting position. Repeat
2-3 sets of 6-10 reps. Pull upwards quickly and slowly lower to starting position. If done for time, go for 30 seconds.
MacGyver It: If the exercise is too easy, find something that can be tied to you to increase the weight that is being pulled up.
Elbow Raises
Lie on your back between 2 chairs or low tables. Place your elbows on the seats of the chairs. Contract your scapulas together to pull your body up to the same height as the seats. Slowly lower yourself back down to the starting position. Repeat.
2-3 sets of 8-12 reps. Push upwards quickly and slowly lower to starting position. If done for time, go for 30-45 seconds.
MacGyver It:Â If you find the exercise is too difficult, start with a lower surface, such as one only 6-8 inches higher than the ground you are lying on. If the exercise is too difficult, add a weight onto your chest to increase resistance.

Lie on your stomach. Place your hands under your head and raise yourself onto your elbows into a plank position. Squeeze the core and butt as you hold this position. Do not allow your butt or back to droop or sag.
Done for time. Aim for 30 seconds to a minute straight of holding the plank.
MacGyver It: If you want to add some weight to the exercise, add something heavy – such as a milk jug of paint can – onto your back for the duration of the hold.
Leg Raises
Lie on your back. Straighten your legs and raise them into the air at a 45-degree angle. Slowly lower them until they are a few inches off of the ground. Raise them back to a 45-degree angle. Repeat. Keep the core engaged the entire time.
2-3 sets of 8-12 reps. Push upwards quickly and slowly lower to starting position. If done for time, go for 30-45 seconds.
MacGyver It:Â If you find the exercise too difficult. Try raising and lowering 1 leg at a time. Alternate legs and count going through the motions with both legs as 1 rep.
How To Create The Workout
Just like CrossFit, the variety here is almost endless.
A few ideas to get you started:
Lots of bodyweight workouts involve the whole body. This could mean alternating upper and lower body exercises throughout a few circuits. Since the exercises are not using the same muscles, there is basically no need for breaks between exercises.
This way you get to work out your whole body while keeping your heart rate high.
If you want to focus in on particular muscles more, then doing solely upper body or solely lower body may work well.
By alternating chest and back exercises, you focus solely on building the muscles of the upper body while still working in a circuit.
Whatever way you choose to create your workout, just remember that the workout needs to be high-intensity and focused.
Just because the CrossFit box closed doesn’t mean the CrossFit mindset can!
To find more bodyweight exercises, click here:Â
How To Count Reps
There are a few different ways to count out reps in these exercises.
The first is to – you guessed it – actually count your reps and sets. Whether you make it a circuit or just go through exercise after exercise, this is a viable option.
As you are probably either doing these exercises as bodyweight-only or with very low weight, you will need to change your reps accordingly. There is a big difference between doing 5 reps of bodyweight squats and 5 reps of a barbell loaded up with 375 pounds.
The second option is to do timed exercises. This works well with bodyweight circuits. CrossFitters need to perform the exercise as well as they can for the entire given time – usually between 30 seconds and a minute – before moving onto the next exercise.
Whatever you have at your disposal and whatever you decide to do, remember that in CrossFit we workout hard!
There are endlessly more exercises out there than what we have written about here, but hopefully, this is a good starting spot for some quarantined CrossFit!
Don’t forget that recovery doesn’t stop at home either, so pick up the best Crossfit recovery products here:

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